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Providing Civil Engineering and Land Survey services since 1992.

(606) 365-8362

AGE utilizes a revolutionary method of accessing the incredible amounts of data gathered by a Spatial Imaging Scan


See below a press release from AGE:

AGE Engineering Services, Inc. has been using spatial imaging scanners since 2008 when we first purchased the Trimble GXa Scanner. Over the years we have gained much experience and purchased faster and faster scanning devices.

Since 2008 AGE Engineering has searched for ways to make the incredibly large amount of information gathered during a scanning project useful to the client. Using the latest scanning technology we are gathering 700 to 800 Million data points per day. The file size of these projects can be 20+ Gigabytes of data. Very few desktop computers are capable or working with files of that magnitude.

Bentley’s Microstation has greatly improved the ability of their software to handle the huge files being generated today. The drawback, as most of you have experienced, is that working in three dimensional CAD files has a pretty steep learning curve, and the software is not cheap and requires annual maintenance fees.

I believe we have discovered a method of working with point clouds that will allow our clients to take full advantage of the incredible amount of information gathered during a spatial imaging scan. Our clients will need to purchase nothing; you will simply open our files using Google Chrome. Many of you are probably already using Google Chrome as your default web browser. Google Chrome is free.

Using Google Chrome you will be able to view the point cloud in 3D from any direction. You will be able to zoom in and out, measure between individual points in the point cloud, and calculate areas.

To see a sample of this new technology and to see how this can enhance the value of the spatial imaging scans produced by AGE Engineering Services, inc. simply cut and paste this link into the Google Chrome browser http://ageengineering.com/scans/age/examples/substation.html

This link will open a scan file of a substation in KY, which is currently stored on the AGE website. If you will play with the software you will find you can rotate the drawing to view from any angle, measure between any two points in the cloud, and calculate areas of walls, fences, and ground surfaces.

If you get the view directions or the pivot point way out of the center of the scan simply refresh the page. Even novice users cannot damage the integrity of the file.

AGE Engineering is still developing applications for this new method of viewing Point Clouds. We would be glad to answer any questions, or even come to your office for a demonstration of this new viewing technology.